CONCORD, N.C. – This Sunday at Kansas Speedway, Jeff Gordon’s No. 24 Chevrolet SS will have a new paint scheme.
Gordon will sport The Red Cross Racing SleevesUp campaign on his ride for the race.
For the eighth year, The American Red Cross and 3M are partnered to create a special paint scheme to promote an American Red Cross campaign.
SleevesUp is a first-of-its-kind website that lets Red Cross supporters create a virtual blood drive and encourage friends and family members to give blood or platelets.
And Gordon will even have a special guest of honor at the race, Dillon Low.
In 2006, Dillon was born and diagnosed with Diamond Blackfan Anemia, which is a rare genetic disorder that prevented his bone marrow from producing red blood cells.
For the next six years, Dillon received approximately 80 blood transfusions as he waited for the perfect match to have a bone marrow transplant. Finally, in 2012, Dillon received the transplant he needed and is now free to be a normal kid, living a normal life.
The American Red Cross is the reason that Dillon is alive today. Because of the Red Cross, donors were found to give Dillon the blood he needed.
Not only will Dillon be at the race in Kansas, but Dillon’s name will be displayed on the back of the No. 24 Red Cross Chevrolet SS.
Gordon is asking for you to pull your SleevesUp and pledge to donate blood.
Visit http://rdcrss.org/1E4r1DX to find out how you can help Gordon reach his goal.